Downtown Madison The Avenue
Open your business in the most strategic place where it is already the heart of commercial place in Kota Wisata.

Floor Plan

Downtown Madison The Avenue - SHC3 Type Standard 3 Lantai
Pondasi : Tiang Pancang
Struktur Utama : Beton Bertulang
Dinding : Bata Merah Plester & Aci
Lantai : Homogeneous Tile
Plafon : Papan Gypsum
Sanitair : American Standard / Setara
Pintu & Jendela : Kusen Aluminium & Kaca Clear
Atap : Atap Metal
Air Bersih : PDAM
Elektrikal : 2200 VA (2 lantai) & 4400 VA
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Access to Downtown Madison The Avenue