A grand open facade covered in wood texture with tall windows, giving statement that Atherton is the most upscale amongst others.

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Floor Plan

Atherton - Type 237
Pondasi : Tiang Pancang
Lantai Utama : Homogenous Tile
Dinding : Batu Bata Diplester & diaci, finishing cat dinding Jotun / setara
Kusen : Kayu Engineering & Aluminium YKK Finish Good
Daun Pintu Utama : Full Core Engineering & Honeycomb Engineering Door
Plafon : Gypsum Board
Atap : Rangka Baja Ringan
Penutup Atap : Genteng Beton / Setara
Sanitasi : Grohe / Kohler & American Standard / Setara
Listrik : 3500 - 4400 VA
Air : PDAM
Carport : Homogeneous Tile
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