Averon Kota Wisata is where people grow and interact, converging their daily lives in neverending togetherness and happy memories. A home with endless comfort.

Floor Plan

Averon - Averon Type 149
Pondasi : Tiang Pancang
Lantai Utama : Homogeneous Tile
Dinding : Batu bata – plester dan aci (cat dinding Dulux / setara)
Kusen : Alumunium Finish Good
Daun Pintu Utama : Solid Panel / Fullcore Engineering Door
Daun Pintu Dalam : Honeycomb Engineering Door dan Aluminium
Plafon : Rangka Hollow penutup Gypsum Board dan UPVC
Kerangka Atap : Baja Ringan
Penutup Atap : Genteng Beton
Sanitasi : Bodi Keramik
Listrik : 3500 VA
Panel Surya : Kapasitas 1.65k kWp
Air : PDAM
Carport : Homogeneous Tile
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