The future of Tropical Urban Living. Tropical modern aesthetic is on showcase at its finest at Nashville, a little piece of heaven where tropical dreams come true. Every residential unit flaunts a sense of spaciousness with stunning floor-to-ceiling windows to allow the inhabitants to "live in the light" as sunlight is in abundance and to enjoy flexiblie living space that can be adjusted to different lifestyles.

Floor Plan

Nashville - Type 100
Pondasi : Tiang Pancang
Lantai Utama : Homogenous Tile
Dinding : Batu Bata - plester & aci, Finishing Cat Dinding Jotun/Mowilex
Kusen : Aluminium Ex. YKK atau Setara
Daun Pintu Utama : Solid Panel/ Fullcore Engineering Door
Daun Pintu Dalam : Honeycomb Engineering Door & Alumunium
Plafon : Gypsum
Atap : Rangka Baja Ringan
Penutup Atap : Genteng Beton
Sanitair : Body Keramik Ex. American Standard atau Setara
Air : Standar PDAM
Listrik : 2200 - 3500 – 4400 VA
Carport : Kombinasi Granit Sikat & Keramik
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