The Nebraska is a cluster housing nestled in the heart of Kota Wisata, Cibubur. Built as a fusion of harmony between residential, recreational, educational and physical activities, the Nebraska will improve your quality of life. The concept of the housing is minimalist and tropical, the housing and the ambiance are inspired by contemporary architecture design, which looks clean, neat and simple yet modern and functional, embellished by the tropical atmosphere.

Floor Plan

Nebraska - Type 106
Pondasi : Pondasi Pancang
Dinding : Batu Bata diplester & diaci, finishing cat Mowilex atau setara
Lantai : Keramik
Atap : Rangka Baja Ringan
Penutup Atap : Genting Beton/Setara
Kusen : Alumunium
Plafon : Gypsum
Sanitair : Body Keramik
Air : Standar PDAM
Listrik : 2200 VA
Carport : Granit Sikat dan Keramik
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