A new residential living concept that enables you to experience a great harmony midst natural green space along with complete facilities in a strategic location. Be prepared to get the best quality of living and comfortness for you and your loved ones every single day.
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Floor Plan

Vermont - Type A 110
Pondasi : Tiang Pancang
Lantai Utama : Homogeneous Tile
Dinding : Batu Bata - plester & aci - finishing cat dinding (Jotun/Setara)
Kusen : Alumunium
Daun Pintu Utama : Solid Panel (fullcore engineering door)
Daun Pintu Dalam : Honeycomb Engineering Door & Alumunium
Plafon : Gypsum Board
Atap : Rangka Baja Ringan
Penutup Atap : Genteng Beton
Sanitasi : Bodi Keramik (American Standard/Setara)
Listrik : 2200 VA
Air : PDAM
Carport : Keramik
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